From my teaching experience I have realised that nursery students find it difficult to practice various rhythmical patterns at the same time. As a result, if your students managed to keep a steady beat while singing and playing their percussion instruments that would be fine! However, you can try and practise all rhythmical patterns mentioned in a lesson separately and only for fun! What matters is to motivate early learners and make them love English and Music!
Yet, as One Two Red Balloon is about teaching English at a pre-writing, pre-reading level, it can be used by anyone teaching in the 1st and 2nd grade of Primary School. In this case, you won't have any problems with the group work in the percussion instruments stage.
You can also cooperate with the Music teacher or Drama teacher at your school and perform some of the songs at a school event. For example, you can put on a show about the 4 Seasons based on the relevant lessons. As you will see, the music of Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer has the form of variations of the same theme and that's because when I wrote them I was thinking of them as a whole.
Please, don't hesitate to ask me anything you want and if you ever use some of this material, I would be happy to learn how things went.
Above all, adapt the material to your students' needs and don't stick to the book!
the previous lesson briefly following the procedure of Lesson 3 Stage
1 (here revise HappyBirthday,
blow out candles,
open presents,
make a wish,
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict musical instruments
Present the flashcards to Ss, use L1 and ask them: “What can you
see in the pictures?”, “Can you play any musical instruments?”,
“What is your favourite musical instrument?”, “What musical
instruments are there in our classroom?”. The last question will
give you the chance to revise the percussion instruments Ss can play
(maracas, tambourine, sticks, jingle stick, scraper, bells etc).
Present and drill vocabulary items concerning musical instruments in
English by using the flashcards and / or rhythmical clapping [
pia-no, gui-tar, trum-pet (clap two quarter notes, ta ta), flute, drum (clap
one half note, ta-ah), vi-o-lin (clap three quarter notes, ta ta ta) ]. Make a
recording of the sounds of these musical instruments or find one on
the Web and play it in the classroom. Ask Ss to recognise the sounds
of each musical instrument and label it in English e.g. Ss listen to
a piano piece and shout “piano”. Ask Ss if they know how we call
somebody that plays music professionally. Ss answer in L1 and then,
you present them with the flashcard depicting a musician. Present and
drill the word musician
by using the flashcard and rhythmical clapping [ mu-si-cian (clap
three quarter notes, ta ta ta)]. Next,
tell Ss that they will learn a song about the musical instruments a
musician can play. Play the song on the piano. Ask Ss to i) stand up
and move to the rhythm of the music as if they played the musical
instruments mentioned in the song ii) raise the correct flashcard or
finger puppet of the musical instrument which is heard in the song
iii) sing the song focusing on the words piano,
In other words, you can pause before some words and wait for the Ss
to say the word missing e.g. You play “I'm a musician, I play
the______”, you pause and show Ss the piano flashcard. Ss shout
you continue with the following sentence of the song in the same way
iv) clap their hands (4
quarter notes per measure, ta ta ta ta)
the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments they
are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by following
the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group A beats 2 half notes per
measure using their bells (ta-ah ta-ah), Group B beats 4 quarter notes per measure
using their jingle sticks (ta ta ta ta) and Group C beats “1 quarter note, 2
eighth notes, 1 half note” per measure using their sticks (ta ti-ti ta-ah). Practice
separately and then altogether as a band. In the end, ask Ss to play
and sing the song
as much as they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Ss to make their own percussion musical instruments by using everyday
household materials such as cans, boxes, paper, glue, beans, rice,
lentils, coloured pencils etc (You can find useful information about
making percussion instruments with household materials on the Web).
During this activity, Ss could be listening to music (e.g.Ravel
In the end, ask Ss to sing goodbye to Mrs Mary (see Lesson 1
the previous lesson briefly following the procedure of Lesson 3 Stage
1 (here revise: corn, potato, green beans, green peas, onion, pepper,
tomato, cucumber,
salad, cheese )
2 – Vocabulary
focus i) BIRTHDAY:
(Happy) Birthday, (birthday) cake, candle, present, wish, party ii)
to blow out, to make a wish, to open, to dance
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict birthday. Present
the birthday flashcards to Ss, use L1 and ask them: “What can you
see in the pictures?”, “When is your birthday”, “Do you like
birthday parties?”, “Do you like birthday cakes?”, “What
comes to your mind when you think of birthdays? (elicit party
noise makers,
birthday cards,
birthday cake,
“Is there a birthday song in your country? If yes, can you sing it
now?”. The last question will give you the chance to teach them the
“Happy Birthday to you!” song. Present
and drill vocabulary items concerning birthday birthday,
birthday cake,
present, party
using the flashcards and / or rhythmical clapping [ birth-day, ca-ke,
can-dle, pre-sent, par-ty (clap two quarter notes, ta ta), ha-ppy birth-day,
birth-day ca-ke (clap four quarter notes, ta ta ta ta)]. Then, use mime to teach
Ss the meaning of the verbs / expressions to
blow out,
to make a wish,
to open,
to dance.
Tell Ss that because today it's Mrs Mary's birthday, they should
learn a new song and wish her Happy Birthday.Play the
song on the piano. Ask Ss to i) stand up and move to the rhythm of
the music ii) raise the correct finger puppet of the birthday word
heard in the song iii) put the birthday flashcards in the correct
order based on the song iii) sing the song and clap their hands (6
eighth notes per measure, ti-ti-ti ti-ti-ti)
Divide the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments
they are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by
following the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group A beats 6 eighth
notes per measure using their sticks (ti-ti-ti ti-ti-ti), Group B beats 2 one-dotted
quarter notes per measure using their bells (ta-i ta-i), Group C beats “1
quarter note, 1 eighth note, 1 quarter note, 1 eighth note” per
measure using their tambourines (ta ti ta ti). Practice separately and then
altogether as a band. Last, ask Ss to play and sing the song as much
as they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Ss to make birthday cards for Mrs Mary by either drawing them or
downloading them from the Web and wish her Happy Birthday.
Alternatively, you could throw a birthday party for Mrs Mary. Ss
will ask her to blow out her candles (Happy
Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Mrs Mary! Happy Birthday to you!)
and make a wish. They will give her some drawings as a birthday
present and they will dance and eat some cake, sweets, snacks as well
as drink juice or soft drinks. Ss could be listening to party music
and interact with Mrs Mary the puppet. In the end, ask Ss to sing
goodbye to Mrs Mary (see Lesson 1 Follow-up).
the previous lesson briefly following the procedure of Lesson 3 Stage
1 (here revise: toy,
numbers 6-10)
2 – Vocabulary
focus i) VEGETABLES:
corn, potato, green beans, green peas, onion, pepper, tomato,
cucumber ii) FOOD:
salad, cheese iii) VERBS:
to make
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict vegetables. Present
the vegetable flashcards to Ss, use L1 and ask them: “What can you
see in the pictures?”, “Do you like vegetables?”, “What is
your favourite vegetable”, “How often do you eat vegetables and
salads?”. Present and drill vocabulary items concerning vegetables
potato, green
beans, green
peas, onion,
cucumberby using the flashcards and / or
rhythmical clapping [corn (clap one half note, ta-ah), green beans, green
peas, pe-pper, sa-lad (clap two quarter notes, ta ta), po-ta-to, o-ni-on,
to-ma-to, cu-cum-ber (clap three quarter notes, ta ta ta)]. Use mime to teach
Ss the meaning of the verb to make (a
Revise the meaning of the word cheese
asking them to tell you which animal they have already learnt eats
cheese (mouse). Then, practise
vegetables further by presenting Ss with some pictures depicting
salads and by asking them to recognise what kind of vegetables the
salads are made of. Tell
Ss that they will sing a song in which they suggest making a salad
with various vegetables. Play the song on the piano. Ask Ss to i)
stand up and move to the rhythm of the music ii) raise the correct
flashcard or finger puppet of the vegetable that is heard in the song
iii) put the vegetable flashcards in the correct order based on the
song iv) sing the song and clap their hands (3 quarter notes per
measure, ta ta ta)
Divide the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments
they are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by
following the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group A beats 1
one-dotted half note per measure using their scrapers (ta-ah-ah), Group B beats
3 quarter notes per measure using their sticks (ta ta ta) , Group C beats “1
half note, 1 quarter note” per measure using their jingle sticks (ta-ah ta).
Practice separately and then altogether as a band. Last, ask Ss to
play and sing the song as much as they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Ss to draw a salad by using some of the vegetables they have just
learnt. While drawing, Ss could be listening to music ( e.g. Eleni
Karaindrou “The Wedding Waltz”).
In the end, Ss vote for the best drawing. Alternatively, Ss could
play a variation of the “Guess Who” game. One S at a time chooses
a vegetable from the ones above and the rest of the class tries to
discover it by asking him / her questions e.g. Is it yellow / red /
yummy? etc. Ask Ss to sing goodbye to Mrs Mary (see Lesson 1
the previous lesson briefly following the procedure of Lesson 3 Stage
1 (here revise: pet,
2 – Vocabulary
focus i) TOYS:
toy, model car, model truck, teddy bear, doll, toy blocks, puzzle ii) NUMBERS:
six, seven, eight, nine, ten
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict toys and numbers
6-10. Present the toy flashcards to Ss, use L1 and ask them: “What
can you see in the pictures?”, “Do you like toys?”, “What
kind of toys have you got”, “What is your favourite toy?”.
Present and drill vocabulary items concerning toys toy,
model car,
model truck,
teddy bear,
toy blocks,
puzzleby using the flashcards and / or
rhythmical clapping [car, truck, doll, blocks (clap one half note, ta-ah),
to-y, pu-zzle, te-ddy, mo-del (clap two quarter notes, ta ta), mo-del car,
mo-del truck, to-y blocks (clap two quarter notes and one half note, ta ta ta-ah),
te-ddy be-ar (clap four quarter notes, ta ta ta ta)]. Then, ask Ss “How many
toys have you got?”. Ss answer by using the numbers 1-5 they have
already learnt as well as L1 in case they want to use another
number. Next, you present them with the flashcards depicting numbers
6-10. First ask Ss to count from number 6 to number 10 in their
mother tongue and then, present and drill numbers 6-10 in English by
using both the flashcards and rhythmical clapping [six, ten (clap one
half note, ta-ah), se-ven, e-ight, ni-ne (clap two quarter notes, ta ta)]. Practise
numbers 6-10 further by asking Ss to give you examples of these
numbers. For example, you say “seven”
and Ss show you seven markers etc. Tell
Ss that they will sing a song in which a child expresses his/her
love for toys as well as mentions the number of toys s/he has got.
Play the song on the piano. Ask Ss to i) stand up and move to the
rhythm of the music ii) put the toy flashcards in the correct order
based on the song iii) match the number flashcards with the toy
flashcards based on the song iv) sing the song and clap their hands
(4 quarter notes per measure, ta ta ta ta)
Divide the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments
they are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by
following the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group A beats 2 half
notes per measure using their scrapers (ta-ah ta-ah), Group B beats 4 quarter
notes per measure using their jingle sticks (ta ta ta ta), Group C beats “2
eighth notes, 3 quarter notes” per measure using their sticks (ti-ti ta ta ta).
Practice separately and then altogether as a band. Last, ask Ss to
play and sing the song as much as they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Divide the class into 5 groups and ask groups to choose
one number from 6 to 10 as well as a toy from the ones they have just
learnt and make a poster illustrating the number in question.
Alternatively, you could ask Ss to play a “Guess what I have drawn”
game where all Ss choose and draw one of the toys they have just
learnt and the rest of the class tries to find it out by making
questions. While making the posters or playing the game , Ss could be
listening to music (e.g. Shostakovich “Piano Concerto No 2”). In
the end, Ss vote for the best poster. Ask Ss to sing goodbye to Mrs
Mary (see Lesson 1 Follow-up).
love pets, I love pets, one, two, three, four, five! (x2)
got one lovely cat, miaw-miaw the cat!
got two lovely ducks, quack-quack the ducks!
love pets, I love pets, one, two, three, four, five! (x2)
got three lovely dogs, woof-woof the dogs!
got four lovely cows, moo-moo the cows!
love pets, I love pets, one, two, three, four, five! (x2)
got five lovely sheep, baa-baa the sheep!
really love my pets, my lovely pets!
love pets, I love pets, one, two, three, four, five! (x2)
Stage 1 –
Brief Revision
the previous lesson briefly following the procedure of Lesson 3 Stage
1 (here revise: summer,
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict pets and numbers
1-5. Present the pet flashcards to Ss, use L1 and ask them: “What
can you see in the pictures?”, “Have you got any pets?”, “Do
you love them?” “What is your favourite pet?”. (If you want,
you can explain the difference between pets and animals by presenting
Ss with another flashcard depicting wild animals, apart from the one
depicting pets. In this case, tell Ss that both pets and wild animals
are animals, but pets are looked after by humans). Present and drill
vocabulary items concerning pets pet,
cat, duck,
dog, cow,
sheepby using the flashcards and / or
rhythmical clapping [cat, duck, dog, sheep (clap one half note, ta-ah), co-w
(clap two quarter notes, ta ta)]. Then, ask Ss if they know what sounds
these pets make. Ss answer based on the way these sounds are rendered
in their mother tongue and then, you present them with their English
equivalents. Practice these animal sounds further by making an animal
sound e.g. miaw and by asking Ss to show you the correct animal
flashcard and label it in English e.g. cat and / or vice versa.
Having taught Ss the pets mentioned in the song, it's time you
presented them with the flashcards depicting numbers 1-5. First ask
Ss to count from number 1 to number 5 in their mother tongue and
then, present and drill numbers 1-5 in English by using both the
flashcards and rhythmical clapping [one, two, three, four (clap one
half note, ta-ah), fi-ve (clap two quarter notes, ta ta)]. Practise numbers 1-5
further by asking Ss to give you examples of these numbers. For
example, you say “one”
and Ss show you one ball / pencil etc. Revise the verb to
by sketching a heart on the board.Tell
Ss that they will sing a song in which they express their love for
pets. Play the song on the piano. Ask Ss to i) stand up and move to
the rhythm of the music ii) put the pet flashcards in the correct
order based on the song iii) match the number flashcards with the pet
flashcards based on the song iv) sing the song and clap their hands
(4 quarter notes per measure, ta ta ta ta)
Divide the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments
they are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by
following the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group A beats 2 half
notes per measure using their maracas (ta-ah ta-ah), Group B beats 4 quarter notes
per measure using their tambourines (ta ta ta ta), Group C beats “1 quarter note,
2 eighth notes, 1 half note” per measure using their sticks (ta ti-ti ta-ah).
Practice separately and then altogether as a band. Last, ask Ss to
play and sing the song as much as they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Divide the class into 5 groups and ask groups to choose one number
from 1 to 5 as well as a pet from the ones they have just learnt and
make a poster illustrating the number in question. While making the
posters , Ss could be listening to music (e.g. Shostakovich “Waltz
No. 2”). In the end, Ss vote for the best poster. Ask Ss to sing
goodbye to Mrs Mary (see Lesson 1 Follow-up).
Revise the previous lesson briefly following the procedure of Lesson
3 Stage 1 (here revise: spring, butterfly, bee, bird, tree, daisy,
2 – Vocabulary focus i) SEASONS:
summer ii) WEATHER:
hot iii) SUMMER
beach, sand iv) FOOD:
ice cream v) VERBS:
to eat, to go,
to play, to swim
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict the season of
summer and whatever characterises it, such as the beach, the sea, ice
cream, swimming, sunbathing, sandcastles, buckets and shovels,
holidays, sunny and hot weather etc. Present the flashcards to Ss,
use L1 and ask them: “What can you see in the pictures?”, “
Look at the pictures and guess which season we are going to talk
about.”, “Do you like summer?” “What is the weather like in
summer?”, “What are the colours of summer?”. Present and drill
the following vocabulary items summer,
using the flashcards and rhythmical clapping [beach, sand (clap one
half note, ta-ah), su-mmer, swi-mming (clap two quarter notes, ta ta), i-ce-cream
(clap three quarter notes, ta ta ta). Also, use mime and teach the verbs to
eat, to
go, to
to swim
as well as the adjective hot.
if the lesson takes place in summer, you can ask
Ss to look outside their windows and describe the weather (it's
sunny, it's hot), the kind of clothes people wear in summer
(T-shirts, shorts, sandals, hats etc), the food and drinks people eat
( ice cream, refreshments etc) and the colours that characterise
summer (yellow, blue etc). You can also make a recording (or find one
on the Web) of the sound of the sea and waves, play it in the
classroom and ask Ss to recognise what they hear.
Tell Ss that they will sing a song in which they describe the season
of summer. Play the song on the piano. Ask Ss to i) stand up and move
to the rhythm of the music ii) raise the correct flashcard or finger
puppet of the word that is heard in the song iii) reproduce the
sound of waves and the sea. iv) describe what kind of feelings the
music evokes by sketching a happy or sad face on paper v) clap their
hands (4 quarter notes per measure, ta ta ta ta)
the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments they
are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by following
the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group
A beats 2 half notes per measure using their scrapers (ta-ah ta-ah), Group B beats
4 quarter notes per measure using their tambourines (ta ta ta ta), Group C beats “4
eighth notes, 2 quarter notes” per
measure using their jingle sticks (ti-ti ti-ti ta ta). Practice separately and
then altogether as a band. Last, ask Ss to play and sing the song as
much as they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Ss to make a collage picture of their favourite summer holiday
destination. In the end, Ss vote for the best collage picture and the
winner describes it in class. While drawing, Ss could be listening to
music (e.g.Vivaldi
“The Four Seasons - Summer”).
Ask Ss to sing goodbye to Mrs Mary (see Lesson 1 Follow-up).
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict the season of
spring and whatever characterises it, such as flowers (roses,
daisies, tulips etc), birds, butterflies, bees, green fields, sunny
weather etc. Present the flashcards to Ss, use L1 and ask them: “What
can you see in the pictures?”, “ Look at the pictures and guess
which season we are going to talk about.”, “Do you like spring?”
“What is the weather like in spring?”, “What are the colours of
spring?”. Present and drill the following vocabulary items spring,
roseby using the flashcards and
rhythmical clapping [spring, bee, bird, tree (clap one half note, ta-ah),
ro-se (clap two quarter notes, ta ta), bu-tter-fly, da-i-sy (clap three
quarter notes, ta ta ta). Also, briefly revise colours.
if the lesson takes place in spring, you can ask
Ss to look outside their windows and describe the weather (it's
sunny), the landscape (green fields / trees, flowers, birds) and the
colours that characterise spring (green, yellow, red, pink etc) as
well as collect some roses, daisies and other flowers and present
them to their classmates. You can also make a recording (or find one
on the Web) of the sound of singing birds and the buzzing of bees,
play it in the classroom and ask Ss to recognise what they hear.
Tell Ss that they will sing a song in which they describe the season
of spring. Play the song on the piano. Ask Ss to i) stand up and move
to the rhythm of the music ii) raise the correct flashcard or finger
puppet of the word that is heard in the song iii) fly like
butterflies / bees / birds and reproduce their sound and raise their
daisies and roses when these are mentioned in the song iv) to
describe what kind of feelings the music evokes by sketching a happy
or sad face on paper v) clap their hands (6 eighth notes per measure, ti-ti-ti ti-ti-ti)
the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments they
are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by following
the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group
A beats 2 one-dotted quarter notes per measure using their bells (ta-i ta-i) ,
Group B beats 6 eighth notes per measure using their jingle sticks (ti-ti-ti ti-ti-ti),
Group C beats “1 quarter note, 1 eighth note, 1 quarter note, 1
eighth note” per measure using their sticks (ta ti ta ti).Practice
separately and then altogether as a band. Last, ask Ss to play and
sing the song as much as they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Ss to draw something depicting spring or make a collage picture by
cutting pictures from magazines or printing them from the web. In the
end, Ss vote for the best drawing / collage picture and the winner
describes his/her drawing / collage picture in class. While drawing,
Ss could be listening to music (e.g. Vivaldi
“The Four Seasons - Spring”).
Ask Ss to sing goodbye to Mrs Mary (see Lesson 1 Follow-up).
Revise the previous lesson briefly following the procedure of Lesson
3 Stage 1 (here revise: autumn, rain, wind, bare tree, fallen leaves,
2 – Vocabulary
focus i) SEASONS:
winter ii) WEATHER:
snow, cold iii) WINTER
LANDSCAPE: snowman, snowball
mittens v) COLOURS:
white vi) (optional - secondary) VERBS:
to fall, to make, to wear, to
flashcards and finger puppets at home that depict the season of
winter and whatever characterises it, such as snow, snowman,
snowballs, mittens, white trees, woolen clothes, scarves etc. Present
the flashcards to Ss, use L1 and ask them: “What can you see in the
pictures?”, “ Look at the pictures and guess which season we are
going to talk about.”, “Do you like winter?” “What is the
weather like in winter?”, “What are the colours of winter?”,
“What kind of clothes do people wear in winter?”. Present and
drill the following vocabulary items winter,
mittensby using the flashcards and / or
rhythmical clapping [win-ter, sno-w, mi-ttens (clap two quarter
notes, ta ta), sno-w-man, sno-w-ball (clap three quarter notes, ta ta ta)]. Use mime
and teach the verbs to fall,
to make,
to wear,
to play
as well as the adjective cold.
if the lesson takes place in winter, you can ask
Ss to look outside their windows and describe the weather, the
landscape, the clothes people wear and the colours that characterise
winter (white, grey).
Ss that they will sing a song in which they describe the season of
winter. Play the song on the piano. Ask Ss to i) stand up and move to
the rhythm of the music ii) raise the correct flashcard or finger
puppet of the word that is heard in the song iii) sing the song
focusing on the following vocabulary items snowman,
pausing before these are heard in the song and asking Ss to sketch
the word missing on paper iv) to describe what kind of feelings the
music evokes by sketching a happy or sad face in their drawing pads
v) clap their hands (4 quarter notes per measure, ta ta ta ta)
the class into groups and give them the percussion instruments they
are going to use in this song (Always give instructions by following
the procedure of Lesson 1 Stage 3). Group
A beats 2 half notes per measure using their triangles (ta-ah ta-ah) , Group B beats
4 quarter notes per measure using their jingle sticks (ta ta ta ta) and Group C
beats “4 eighth notes, 2 quarter notes” per measure using their bells (ti-ti ti-ti ta ta)
. Practice separately and then
altogether as a band. Last, ask Ss to play and sing the song as much
they can.
4 – Follow-up activities
Ss to draw something depicting winter or make a collage picture by
cutting pictures from magazines or printing them from the web. In the
end, Ss vote for the best drawing / collage picture and the winner
describes it in class. While drawing, Ss could be listening to music
(e.g. Vivaldi
“The Four Seasons - Winter”).
Ask Ss to sing goodbye to Mrs Mary (see Lesson 1 Follow-up).